Annick – Sans titre – 80x80cm
The act of painting is seen by many artists as a pure need. Annick always felt the same way about it.
My experience visiting her started by the use of her shower.
I heard about Annick’s work thanks to the mother of a friend, artist herself and also art therapist. After a 3-hour trip, I arrived at Geneva with a beautiful sunny weather. At this time, renting a bike to go to Annick’ studio seemed to be a good idea. Google map indicates well the time to reach a destination but avoids mentioning roads’ gradients. Sweaty and really embarrassed, I had knocked at her door with a 50-minute delay.
Annick nicely offered me to use her bathroom before entering her studio.

Annick – sans titre – 40x40cm
To reach her workplace, we need to climb up to the 3rd floor of her house. While entering, I notice the high number of canvas laid along the walls. A bright-color painting is arranged on a peg. Two weeks have past since Annick last touched it. Something is missing to reach the perfect balance. It can last quite a while before she finds exactly what. Days, even months for some artworks.
I like to take my time going through all of her work, composed of several series. Each of them corresponds to a certain period of time (the two following paintings belong to the same serie).
Annick travels a lot. Each year, she leaves France to discover and feel the pace of countries such as India, Iran, Uzbekistan, Myanmar… Colorful and rich historial counterparts. When she comes back, it doesn’t take her long before grabing her brushes to try painting her impressions on a canvas.
The depth of her work, the rich textures she succeeds creating and the colors she decides to use come from these trips. Sensitif and subtle, Annick is also one of the few artist I met that beautifully knows how to blend colors.
Ask her to talk about her art and she would tell you that it is a long journey, a total immersion in the unknown. She sees it as a constant discovery, a mean to let appear new things.
Beyong the journey it offers, her painting left me a great impression of light, oxygen and balance.
Hope this will bring you that far !

Annick – sans titre – 80x80cm

Annick – Sans titre – 65x65cm

Annick – sans titre – 75x75cm